The State Government’s Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy is alive and proceeding with the proposed Greenhill Road Median Strip Safety Improvements about to get under way.
I ask if this project is going to follow the recent experiences of people residing adjacent the Seaford Rail Line and the Belair Line. Indeed I ask if what we are about to experience what we might expect when the travelling road show moves to the non stop South road project in years to come.
The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has released for public comment the details of proposed safety enhancements for Greenhill Road. Council has responded to this invitation, as i have individually (see below).
They have identified that motorists turning right (east) from the suburban side streets of the City of Unley are creating safety issues. Statistics indicate 66 injury crashes over a four year period.
Whilst I have communicated to them in my representation that I am not convinced they have the right answer my representation to them focuses on the level of public consultation they are undertaking. The question is are they consulting or informing.
Here is the cause of my concern. The opportunity to have your say closes on the 17th of this month. That is 10 days away. If my memory is accurate they advised Council at a briefing they provided us that they will commence work once Clipsal has been completed. Last time I looked that is now.
So the question again is consult or inform. If the latter they can expect similar hostility at being disrespected as they did along the rail corridors.
And the next question is ….. will it be the same when they move to South Road, back into my Ward?
If you have an interest in this project you will have the opportunity to question the project team at nine other than the City of Unley Civic Library this coming Thursday (that is the 13th) between 6.00 pm and 8.00 pm. I intend to call in.