Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

There would not be many people in the Goodwood Ward of the City of Unley, or my ward Goodwood South, who have not been inconvenienced by the speed cushions that were installed in Leah Street, Forestville last year. This was clearly a mistake on our part.

Of course not only did we (the elected members) decide to have these cushions  installed, but our administration (in their infinite wisdom) decided to not replace the speed humps in Everard Terrace after road works.

The end result is we created a traffic nightmare for residents in the streets adjacent Leah Street. We could have simply reversed our decision and I would have been happy to do just that.

There have been other issues that have become apparent in the area however and it is appropriate that we go back to scratch and look at the whole area and determine what is an appropriate solution for traffic management in the whole Forestville precinct. This means undertaking a Local Area Traffic Management Program (LATM). This is like the survey we recently undertook in Black Forest.

This came before Council this week and the following motion which was unanimously approved is our response.

MOVED Councillor Schnell 
SECONDED Councillor Palmer 


1. The report be received. 

2. Council commence a Local Area Traffic Management study of the Forestville 
area bounded by South Road, Leader Street, Nairne Terrace/ Ethel Street 
and Railway Terrace/ Norman Terrace and Anzac Highway as part of the 
2013/14 traffic programme. 

So for all those affected by our error I apologise and I look forward to the LATM having actually contributed to what will be a better traffic environment for locals from what originally existed.