Were we getting a heads up last Saturday night at the Unley Road Traders Association Evening Under the Stars with the message on the chairs of Unley Mayor Lachlan Clyne and his girlfriend. The names on the chairs they sat in read “Mayor Clyne” on one chair and “Mrs Clyne” on the other.
Seems like it was. He has now announced to those around him that he and fiance Jocelyn Genevieve are to be married.
The couple who have been seen arm in arm at many a venue recently have decided the right time is after the Mayoral elections in November this year and after the celebration of the birth of Christ.
And from this councillors point of view the ceremony I am rejoicing as it will be at the church that I am a Warden for; St Augustine’s Anglican Church of Unley, the Mayor looks out over every day from his Parlour.