Missed the MS Mighty Swim myself due to other commitment but pleased to report it was again a huge success.
It was the 9thannual MS Mighty Swim and it was conducted on the weekend. A record number of 430 swimmers registered and competed in this year’s event. A total of 1313.7 km was swum over the 24 hour period by participants, despite a 20 minute thunderstorm interruption early on Sunday morning.
To date the event has raised just over $90,000, with $74,000 of this coming in as direct donations to the relay. This figure will continue to grow as pledges and donations continue to come in. Donations can be made up until March 31st, 2014.
This years event celebrates a very special milestone with total funds raised now eclipsing half a million dollars, to stand at $564,000 (and still growing). This is something the MS Society and the City of Unley should be very proud of.