Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

I am impressed with the current Management Team that has been put together over the last twelve months by our CEO Peter Tsokas.

I am happy to confirm that one of the core businesses of council, keeping our infrastructure in good condition, is in goods hands. Under the tutelage of our General Manager Infrastructure John Devine I believe we are getting road, footpath and kerb & watertable infrastructure recognised for repair or replacement unlike previously.

We are also seeing this work done on those sections requiring it rather than for the full lengths of roads. This is perhaps the key to getting the work done that needs to be done because the money is available by not being unwisely spent .

A road with what I believed to be significant kerb and watertable issues and which was ignored by the previous regime is now in the process of repair as we speak. At my request John saw a resident affected earlier this year and low and behold work is happening.

Thank you John for looking after the residents of Frederick Street, Clarence Park. And this on top of a number of similar projects in and around Clarence Park recently.