As a retired businessman I can offer you something that none of the other candidates can. That is an abundance of time and passion that comes with being free.
Free from the hassles of holding down a job. Free from having to commit to training for a future occupation.
To provide local leadership and to work for you it is important that your representative is giving you time and passion.
In my opinion you need to find 20 hours plus each week to be an effective elected member of council. Balancing family, work, social and play and the demands placed on you as an elected member can be most challenging. Anything less than 20 hours per week will mean you are not getting value from your representative.
Why would an elected member need to devote that much time you may well ask? Isn’t it just one meeting a month?
Working for you requires a commitment to the management role as a “board of management” contributor. The Local Government Act requires this of your representative.
This entails attending at least one full council meeting each month, plus at least one briefing. Attending these and (more importantly) preparing properly for these meeting is time consuming.
Then there are committees and we have many. Ideally they should be spread around. It tends not happen however. Some of us may be members of multiple committees while others may choose not to participate. I am one who contributes to multiple committees because I have the time and the passion where others don’t.
Then there is the need to give time to the various community groups who appreciate your support. The local sporting clubs, the community centre, the neighbourhood watch group etc.
The ultimate time commitment though, is the time devoted directly to you. The Local Government Act requires a person elected to council to represent the interests of residents and ratepayers, to provide community leadership and guidance, and to facilitate communication between the community and the council.
Time is something I have previously and still can offer you (more so), and wish to. In abundance. May I ask, can the other candidates?
Written & authorised by Don Palmer, 19 Kelvin Avenue, Clarence Park SA 5034