Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Another Award for King William Road

I am proud to announce yet another award for King William Road. This, primarily inspired by our consultation, while a few continue to denigrate us for our consultation. Bad news sells papers. We have all  heard that. That may well spell the storey behind a few...

Draft Clarence Park LATM awaits your final input

The Draft Clarence Park LATM, which is in response to your observations last year, awaits your final input. Please therefore, let us know your thoughts.   You should have received a letter from Council seeking your response to Draft Clarence Park LATM...

Improved Parking in King William Road

Look out for improved parking in the King William Road Precinct. The redevelopment of King William Road will provide improved parking, as opposed to reduced parking as promoted by the Media. . Improved parking will result from the redevelopment of King William Road....