Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

The Sunday Mail has revealed that the State Government is going to the Councils with its thoughts on how their goals can be achieved; to provide councils with an opportunity to participate, notwithstanding Unley has already done much work with a view to protecting and indeed enhancing our own unique city of villages.

Well done Sunday Mail in alerting the public to what has been a confidential document.  Elected members of Council are yet to be briefed on what has been reported but will soon.

The City of Unley Administration has contacted DPLG and enquired whether they can give elected members a copy of the report in preparation for the commencemnt of our public consultation.

We will then get to see how the Government’s thoughts compare with our own.

In the meantime, as I indicated in my earlier blog today you, the residents and ratepayers of Unley need to express your thoughts and contribute to the exercise of creating Unley’s own future.

Go to the Council’s web site and follow the links on the home page (bottom left corner) to find out more and to have your first say.