Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Notwithstanding my last blog post, the South Road Corridor T2D reference design is getting close. This is just the start, however.


In this blog post, I hope to give readers some idea of where the project is and the timing of the various stages.

This hopefully, will provide some respite to us all. An understanding of the urgency or lack of urgency that exists with the project.


The Reference Design, as I understand, is a concept design.

It will not be a detailed or final design. It is DIT’s response to all the investigations they have made in the last year.

Investigations into the structural capacity of the ground. The extent of contaminated soil that exists. Likewise, underground water.

Investigations into the needs of the various local communities. In particular, the communities of Black Forest and Glandore. Needs that include east-west connectivity. Local traffic management. The need for green open space. For increased tree canopy.

Once complete, the reference design will provide the parameters for seeking tenders for the design and construction of the project.

While the T2D Reference Design is getting close, don’t expect any substantive action to follow. The real design work is yet to commence. The nature of the work prompts this approach. The work being unlike any project like it in South Australia. This process will, as I understand it, take up to 12 months to complete.

During this period, it will be available for wider public consultation.

The reference design will clearly identify where the transition from at grade to the tunnel will occur.

We all know this is going to be somewhere between the Gallipoli underpass and the Emerson crossing. Just where has been the source of some concern since the very beginning of the design process.

I sense in reading between the lines that this will occur from the Gallipoli underpass. Whilst I can’t guarantee this, I believe, therefore (generally speaking) north of the Tram overpass. If I am correct this means the area of Black Forest and Glandore (south) will see South Road exist above the tunnel.

Construction is still some 2 to 3 years away.

Whilst the T2D Reference Design is getting close don’t expect any substantive action to begin.

Even once a contract is let, possibly late 2022, construction won’t start then. The manufacture, transport, and assembly on-site of the tunnelling machine will take some 12 months. This means construction cannot reasonably commence before 2023.

And, taking the time pressure off residents at the north end of the tunnel, construction will commence at the southern end. I will stand corrected here, but construction of the tunnel will take years. This means little or no activity for several years yet.

Watch this space for confirmation.