Unley’s staff were prominent in presentations and in awards at the annual ERA (Eastern Regional Alliance) Showcase yesterday held at the Pavilion in Veal Gardens.
I, along with the Mayor and two other elected members, attended the second half of the ERA Showcase. I was very impressed with the co-operation between councils and can see a strong future of not only collaboration but shared services.
The Eastern Regional Alliance is (as the name indicates) an alliance between a number of Councils, located primarily on the east side of Adelaide. They include Tea Tree Gully, Campbelltown, Propsect, Walkerville, Norwood Payneham St Peters, Burnside and Unley.
Back to Unley punching above it’s weight.
Our people were prominent among the presenters with Matthew Ives, David Brown, Helen Hoare and Megan Schartner.
We were also so well represented in securing two of the three awards presented on the day. They went to Hanlie Erasmus and Helen Hoare.
I am quite proud of our team but here is the rub.
As an elected member I am not really aware of what our contribution is to the ERA and what benefits we are currently experiencing. I and one of the other elected members to attend (Peter Hughes) have asked our CEO to provide a briefing to elected members on the ERA. Our CEO has promised this will occur early in the new year.