I like many others, and I suspect many more than we have experienced in the past, will attend the many dawn services around the country in remembrance of those who made the supreme sacrifice. The Unley dawn service at our memorial gardens will be the focus of my commitment.
This I feel, and not because it happens to also be my birthday, is probably the most important non-religious day in Australia’s calendar. Our freedom, our way of life we owe to those who fraught in the many conflicts Australia has been involved with.
This year of course marks the centenary of our involvement in the Great War. This war defines our nation probably like no other event.
And that brings me to the point of this blog post.
As Unley remembers the City of Unley and the Unley RSL will be convening a centenary parade by what has become know as Unley’s own, the 10th/27th Battalion. This will commemorate 100 years since this Battalion first marched as they prepared to defend our way of life in the great war.
I invite you to come and line the streets like they did back in 1915.
The parade will commence at Marion Street, Unley at 11.00 am on Sunday May 3 and progress down Unley Road to the Memorial Gardens stopping on the way at the Library/Civic Centre.
While there take in the sounds of the bells in the St Augustine’s memorial tower as they toll to mark the occasion and then join us at the Memorial Gardens for a community sausage sizzle and drinks.