Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Improvement in carparking was one of the major considerations in the design of the new King William Road. I expect you will be delighted with Council’s solutions to what has been a perennial problem in King William Road.


For as long as I have been on Council we have been seeking collaboration for the property owners, the landlords, to improve carparking in the precinct. This has been met with limited success. With the redevelopment, I am hopeful we may meet with some more success.

As I have reported previously there are over 400 off street carparks available in the precinct. These are behind the various shops.

I detailed in my blog post on 5 July what we are doing. I encourage you to check it out, if you have not already.


We have approached this challenge with an understanding that there are two types of shopper that use the road. They are mission oriented shoppers and leisure oriented shoppers.

City of Casey Smart Sign

City of Casey Smart Sign

One is intent on parking, buying their goods, and departing in the least amount of time possible. The other is looking for an experience. They will be looking to stay a while and shop at multiple outlets.

Truthfully the street has always catered well for the mission oriented shopper. A loss of a few on street carparks I doubt will dissuade or limit these shoppers.

Opening up the rear carparks (the off street carparks) is catering for the leisure oriented shopper. The shopper, I suggest that will bring more business to the street. Needless to say, the shopper on which the ultimate success of the street will rely.


Before the project is complete, why not venture down to the street and check it out for yourself.


The smart technology will not be available until the completion of the project. But the carparks will. Because the construction is focusing now on the footpath areas there will remain no on street parking, at least until the construction goes into Christmas hibernation at the end of this month as has been widely reported. This means you have to seek out the alternatives in order to shop there, whether mission oriented or leisure oriented.

This will gear you to take advantage of the improvement in carparking that will soon be a reality.