Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Making representation about planning matters is better when Councils are considering development plan amendments than after they become as Paul Keating used to say “LAW”.

As a member of the Development Assessment Panel of the City of Unley.I often feel for people making representations on a development that is an issues they don’t like but which the Development Plan allows. We had that yet again at our last meeting on Tuesday night of this week..

Issues were raised on all the developments being considered, some relevant and items that the panel should consider. Many were not relevant and matters that we could or should not take into account unfortunately. This is so frustrating for the respondent, even more so if they get the feeling that we have not listened to their concerns.

And now to my point.

The City of Unley is undergoing right now a public consultation on one of many development plan amendments they MUST do to address the Governments 30 year plan. It concerns medium density development along Greenhill Road and Unley Road.

The plan will allow if and when approved by the Minister of Planning John Rau up to 7 storey development along Greenhill Road and up to 5 storeys on Unley Road.

The best opportunity you have to influence things you have concern with such as having entrances to Greenhill Road properties off Greenhill Road and not the road or in some cases lane at the rear of the property this is your chance. It will be too late once approved by the Minister.

This very issue was raised on one of the applications on Tuesday.

As I have reported in previous posts on this blog DPTI are not prepared to negotiate on some aspects of the plan that we at Council wish to see incorporated. If the public of Unley had similar views to elected members this might give weight to our argument.

Follow the link below, which provides not only an opportunity to have a say but provides further links to information about the amendment.

A public hearing for representors will be held by Council on the 18 March 2013.
I also refer you to previous posts on this blog site for my thoughts on this.