The Development Plan Amendments addressing the governments Greater Adelaide Plan will be coming back to Council shortly for more public consultation. Another chance for you to input.
The Minister, through the Department of Planning and Local Government (DPLG), is anticipated to address the suitability and potential approval of the DPA’s for consultation as follows:
LHP DPA March 2012 . This is the local heritage protection
DPA 2 March/April 2012. This is the areas other than the corridors.
DPA 3A May/June 2012. This is the corridors.
The draft DPA’s, if approved as suitable by the Minister, must be released for public and agency consultation for a minimum of 8 weeks. Council considered at our recent City Strategy & Policy Meeting three options for what extent of public consultation is to be adopted when each of the DPA’s return to us from the Minister’s desk.
Whilst we have determined to adopt a more comprehensive approach than we are legally required to I am not happy that we are going far enough. I will blog separately about this shortly, particularly in reference to DPA 2 which impacts on the Goodwood South Ward.