by Don Palmer | Jun 28, 2016 | business plan, Community Plan, Community Plan
After months of work and a seemingly never ending conversation Coucnil last night approved the 2016/17 budget. In recent days that conversation became quite polarised with a small number of councillors pushing for a 2.7% increase. The change in the conversation...
by Don Palmer | Apr 15, 2016 | Community Plan, Community Plan, rates
As I sit down tonight and over the weekend to deliberate on the agenda of a special council meeting set for next Wednesday night that is the question I ponder. Whether there is a justification for an outside body to cap Council rates or not. This meeting has been...
by Don Palmer | Jan 21, 2016 | Community Plan
The Messenger Press has provided the City of Unley a new years greeting via the column this week by Andrew Faulkner entitled “Reading Between the Council Lines”. A column quite scathing of our accounting practices. The essence of the storey is our...
by Don Palmer | May 9, 2015 | Community Plan, rates
Yes. It is that time of year. The time when Council presents to the public it’s draft annual business plan and therefore the proposed budget. This of course informs the pending rate increase. The purpose of the annual business plan is to let you know...