Back on June 18 I posted regarding concerns with the boardwalk raised by users of the boardwalk. Our administration, after examining the structure concurred with the observations raised.
Yesterday they met with me and with my co-councillor Jennie to look at what the issues are and determine some strategies to address them. The issues identified match those noted in my June 18 blog
The issues are real and they need to be addressed. As noted in that blog it is not DDA compliant and is unsafe.
And what do we do about Mum’s wanting to get to the Princess Margaret Playground.
The boardwalk, having said that, solved an issue concerning our trees preventing safe access through this area without removing them.
We have some ideas which will be put on paper and then we intend to consult with residents and users of the boardwalk before putting a proposal for improvement to council.
When that happens we will be keen to know what you think because you will be using it.