Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Council and DPTI officers have been working on options for the re-vegetation of the Canterbury and Parker Terrace region of the Rail Corridor, the Clarence Park Railway Station precinct.

I expect that maybe as early as next week residents will be contacted to meet with us at an open forum, possibly at the adjacent Clarence Park Community Centre, to view and provide observations on two, maybe three options for the re-vegetation of the rail corridor environs.

Keep an eye on your letter box. This is possibly the single most impactful thing that has or will occur in our little strip so I trust we will all make a point of coming along and contributing.

I have had a briefing on the options and I am happy to say the foundations are there in my opinion for a solution that, with your help, will make our area a good one. The options have I might add been influenced (in Canterbury Terrace at least) by Council’s recent LATM of Black Forest.

The options all attempt to address not just re-vegetation , but providing parking for the Community Centre and safe use of the road (Canterbury) for both cars and bikes.

The only thing holding up progress right now, as can be seen in another of my posts today is confirmation of the mast locations for the electrification of the line. I had expected they would be available by now but?

I don’t know about you but I am keen to see our little neck of the woods take shape. The sooner the better.