I refer you to my previous posts today in writing this post and asking where to from here for the trees in Canterbury Terrace and Parker Terrace.
Residents of these two and nearby streets would be aware that a question was raised whether or not the tree replacements we at council are looking at for these two streets could happen. It was felt by some of us that they may actually be in the exclusion zone, per a brochure mailed to everyone two weeks ago explaining the vegetation no go zones for the electrification of the line.
You would note from my earlier post that the location of masts, and indeed what sort of masts is yet to be determined. Until this is done the final boundary between the corridor and council land is not certain either. I guess it is a case of watch this space.
In the meantime and assuming there is no issue, and I suspect there is not for a few reasons, the council survey on tree replacement types has now completes. The results are as follows:
33% of people surveyed responded
Of these:
82% were in favour of removing the ash trees (remembering the Gums in Canterbury are to remain).
The selection of tree you felt was appropriate were as follows:
Ornamental Pear 13
Crepe Myrtle 12
Mixture of Two 4
One species each street 4
A mixed bag.
This will be taken on board as we move forward, noting we have to finalise the LATM in Black Forest so that there is no clash between the two. We also need to await the electrification mast and corridor fence location which we trust we will know soon. It would appear the fence location (having said that) will not alter in this part of the corridor.