Have you ever wondered where do you go for help with concerns with the development next door to you? Is it Council? Is it someone else?
Recent multiple events on a construction site in Black Forest have caused neighbours much anxiety. Unsure to whom to seek intervention for incidents they believe to be illegal or unsafe etc., they have to come to me as one of their two local government ward councillors. This has prompted me to write a series of blog posts, identifying who to go to when you have concerns and how to do so.
This first blog will identify a number of possible issues and list them under which regulatory body is responsible. This will be followed by two more blogs, providing insight firstly into matters that are the jurisdiction of the Council. The second will do likewise for those matters that the Council is not able to intervene over.
The list covers a range of events that I have determined might occur. I have then sought confirmation from Council’s planning and building team as to who IS responsible. I thank them for that help.
Moving forward, we (Council) aim to utilise this as a basis for updated information to be contained on our website, once formally reviewed. This, for the benefit of the public, to know where to direct queries and what we are legislatively responsible for as Council. This is becoming a high priority given the extent of multi-unit developments (MUDS) being constructed now in the City of Unley.
The sheer size of MUDS creates more intense construction activity than house additions or even new homes. With the likely increase of MUDS into the future, this is timely. An increase we can expect with the greater ease of obtaining development approval under the new Planning & Design Code.
First up, what are the matters that Council is responsible for?
- Dust concerns
- Noise complaints (during work hours)
- Hours of work
- Variances to the plans
- Protection of regulated and significant trees
- Overlooking
- On-street parking during and post-construction
- Damage to footpaths, roads, and Council trees
What are the matters that need to be resolved between neighbours?
- Boundary fences
- Lack of advance notice of works occurring
- Dilapidation surveys
What are other agencies responsible for?
- Site safety
- Behaviour
- Noise Complaints (after hours)
Watch out for the next two blogs as I provide some context to each item.
Keep these blogs on hand as a reference to help address concerns with the development next door in the future.
How do we know if there is a development next door and if so where can we view the application?
Great question Rob.
This will need to be the subject exclusively for another blog post.
The current portal is, in my opinion, far from user friendly. As a former practitioner, I am finding it hard.
It will change and is changing.
When I feel more comfortable I will be able to blog it.