The headline reads Councillors taken off Ovals and this has me gobsmacked.
Tucked away on page 5 of this weeks Eastern Courier is another article that has me wondering if I should rely on them for knowledge of what council is doing. For the third time this week their take on what council has or has not or is or is not doing differs from my understanding.
From where I sit Councillors taken off Ovals could not be further from the truth, let alone that staff would no longer be attending meetings.
I fervently hope that readers do not rely on the Eastern Courier to know what Council is doing. I find myself again this week saying this is my take on what has occurred.
Given legal advice received on the way our numerous advisory groups were constituted under the requirement of the Local Government Act we needed to make some changes to allow those who wish to continue to so do.
Yours Truly moved a motion that was accepted unanimously and which included
1 That Council no longer coordinate the following reference groups:
• Unley Oval
• Goodwood Oval
2 That the Reference Group members be advised of Council’s decision and be encouraged to continue under their own leadership
3 That elected Members be encouraged to communicate with the community groups as required.
So I question do I rely on the Eastern Courier to tell me what I am doing or do I rely on my own I suggest intimate knowledge having been the prime mover.
As a matter of interest and as a postscript. Members of the current Reference Group will be meeting next week to determine how we constitute ourselves for the future. Yes Ourselves, elected members included!
The motion did not make any reference to staff involvement and I can assure members of the Goodwood Oval Reference Group that if they wish the attendance of our staff at any of their meetings Council will respond positively.