The State Attorney General has sent us a copy of the crime statistics 2005 thru’ 2009.
Referring to the summary we can see that offences:
ü against the person is down from 6.09 offences per 1,000 population to 5.43.
ü sexual offences is marginally down as is robbery and extortion and also drug offences
ü against property is well down from 102.66 offences per 1,000 population to 65.25
ü against good order (whatever that is)
ü driving offences also well down from 13.66 offences per 1,000 population to 6.58
This is reassuring news for residents of Unley. We need to remain vigilant however and I would encourage all residents to either continue to participate in or offer to assist the local Neighbourhood Watch group. Let’s keep active in Unley to keep the stats going “down, down, crime is down”.
If you wish a copy of a more comprehensive list send me an email I will pass it onto you.