A year ago this weekend I witnessed the vote for elected members of Local Government and witnessed the provisional declaration that the good people of Goodwood South Ward of the City of Unley had placed their faith in me to represent them and advocate for them on Council for the first time.
I look back on this first year and wonder where it went. It has been a hectic introduction to the life of an elected member as we dealt with so much during the year. The comments from others still ring in my ears that it is not usually like this; it will calm down.
They say the first year is very much a learning curve with so much unfamiliar and they were right. It has indeed been a very steep learning curve. I give thanks to my co-councillor Jennie Boisvert for her mentorship, guidance and encouragement. I would like to think we worked together well, not that we agreed on everything.
As we deal with the biggest local issue to be addressed during the year right now (Kelvin Avenue) I reflect on a first year which I believe I have enjoyed some success representing and advocating for you.
Most of the big or controversial issues were outside our ward. But while this was going on we nibbled away at many smaller issues in Goodwood South, (Black Forest, Clarence Park & Millswood), making it a better place.
I have enjoyed working for and on behalf of you and look forward to the remaining 3 years of this term.
The biggest pleasure I have had is helping a number of you solve those personal issues you have had like barking dogs, unsafe footpaths, light and noise issues from neighbouring properties; just simply ensuring our Administration respond to you and communicate with you in a timely way.
I ask you to contact me on any issue you may have that is Council related and I will do what I can to ensure it is given the attention it deserves.