As promised I can now give you all an update on the progress of Kelvin Avenue.
A new draft (compromise) scheme has been designed by our Administration. I have a copy of this. All elected members have checked out the site, all but one did so on one of two conducted tours. The second group (including myself) toured the site yesterday. This group were the first to see the draft scheme.
The design incorporates a driveway path that will allow two way traffic via passing bays at either end. It is therefore no longer a pocket park warranting a road closure. It does green the area up and ETSA will have the access they need to their transformer.
You would all be aware that, until now, I have refrained from offering a personal opinion on the design. I must say however that I am encouraged by this design though. It has potential and may well be something that might have eventuated had we consulted correctly back this time last year.
There is still some work to be done on it before it can be put before Council so I suspect we (Council) will not see it until the October City Strategy & Policy Committee meeting, which will be the 17th. Until it is seen by council in its final draft form it is not due for public consultation and because it may change due to addressing engineering issues and the like it may well be inappropriate to give anyone an advanced view.
I really this new design. It sounds like a good compromise.