I can now report that a raft of measures is about to become realities in little ol’ Goodwood South Ward.
1 Work is scheduled for November in Mills Street as follows:
a) Aditional line marking to address concerns raised in teh Kelvin Avenue consultation.
b) An additional no left turn sign will be installed likewise.
c) Changing the angled slow point adjacent no 21 with a plateau (this should be out for consultation now).
d) The problems with the median strip at the junction with Goodwood Road in that cars are doing unsafe manouvers including U Turns will be addressed also.
2 Yellow Box markings are scheduled, subject to the loose rail lines being resecured, over the rail crossing on East Avenue.
3 A “KEEP CLEAR” message will be installed on East Avenue at the junction with George Street to allow vehicles to turn into George Street. DTEI will not permit a similar initiative at the East Avenue, Mills Street jnction.