I attended a luncheon, labelled “on the couch” presented by the Planning Institute of Australia today and enjoyed a lovely meal.
The highlight was an interview of our Deputy Premier, the honourable John Rau MP. His responses to the questions prompted by the presenter and the audience give us some confidence that in his role as Planning Minister we will see a good result with the 30 year plan.
His recent comments about no more Mt Barkers were encouraging.
He explained what we did not hear from the press that this statement meant under his leadership there will be no rezoning without first all infrastructure needs having been designed and agreed upon. This will mean bringing all government departments together so that there is no development without the appropriate infrastructure needs having been addressed.
I take his statement to mean that this will apply to infill development as much as it will to green field development. At least I hope so because as the City of Unley prepares itself to submit the first draft of our DPA 3A (the corridors) to him for approval we all need to be certain that the government departments, such as DTEI, will be addressing road upgrades and addressing traffic issues etc before any development emanating from the final plan commence.
On that note we will be considering the first draft of DPA 3A on Monday night at our full council meeting. If endorsed it, it will be submitted to the Minister for consideration as being suitable. If approved as suitable it will go back out for public consultation for a minimum of 8 weeks.
After the consultation period has ended, a public hearing by the City Strategy & Policy Committee will be held to allow personal presentations. We will subsequently consider these representations and amend the DPA, if appropriate, before re-submitting it to the Minister for final determination.