Before I post on other initiatives that will now proceed to next stage it is timely to address the funding of whatever might occur at Unley over, whether in the near future or the distant future.
The motion that Council pursue funding opportunities for Unley Oval Grandstand redevelopment components and the balance of the lighting and picket fence costs was approved last night.
It is one of only a couple that I did not either move or second but it is the most crucial. Without funding there will be nothing happen at the ground.
We have a range of individual projects to look at now task to the decision we made last night. Some are comparatively inexpensive, others are major by any expectation, requiring significant funding. The more significant projects we, or should I say our ratepayers, simply cannot afford.
Those in the community who have been opposed to anything happening at the Oval because we cannot afford it please be assured that, with the passing of this motion, we are locked into seeking funding for all the projects, not just the larger ones.
Remembering that Unley Oval is considered by both State and Federal Governments to be a regional sports centre projects that may be undertaken at the facility have the potential of significant grant funding. To be eligible for any grant funding that may be available at any given time we have to be project ready. And that is what we are doing with all the motions passed last night, putting ourselves into a position to be project ready.
Campbelltown recently received $7.0m for redeveloping by being project ready. Why not Unley?