After a long and exhausting process we are now getting to the pointy end as I said in an earlier post today. And the great bonus is that we have identified there is an opportunity to provide extra open space for use by the general community.
This would be by extending the facility north partially into Frederick Street. Frederick Street is as wide a street as we have in Unley so if any street could be reconfigured to provide us with extra green space this conceivably is the one.
Will it work? Don’t Know!
Will the Community back it? Don’t Know!
Will it provide value for money? Don’t Know!
Who will pay for it? Refer my second last blog post!
Is it worth investigating? You bet it is!
The beauty of last night’s motion, as with all the others, is it will provide us all an opportunity to answer those questions and to see what can be done. By providing a detailed design we can all value what is proposed because we can see it; in all is glory.
I look forward to seeing what is ultimately proposed. I look forward to it being suitable in the eyes of elected members to then put to our community.
This potentially could be the single biggest achievement of all the propositions being explored, so long as it does not interfere with traffic flow or foot traffic using Frederick Street. I suspect that it is achievable and in all likelihood desirable, but let us wait and see.
A big bonus too is that including this in a suite of initiatives once again could improve our chances of securing outside funding.
Watch this space.
Don I was impressed by your performance at the Council meeting.
You were the top performer on the night.
I would like you to consider running for Mayor at the next election.
Thank you Roger. I am touched by your compliment and your request.
I truly believe we have now some individual things that we can work on, all of which when ready to go back out to the public will have substance and form which will allow everyone, community and elected members alike, to make qualified judgements.
I look forward to the next step.