Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Are Larger Councils the Answer

As the council elections were counting down we again hearing speculation about the possibility of Council Amalgamations. This comes around every so often and I therefore pose the question are smaller Councils better or not. The article that has prompted my response...

Unleywood Film Competition

You’re invited to create a short film, sketch, documentary of 2 minutes or less with the theme ‘Visually Unley’.If you reckon this is you then follow this link to the Unley website for more information, a video and...
Every Generation Concerts

Every Generation Concerts

Stopping All StationsTuesday 7 October, 11am – 3.30pm        Take the bus!Book a journey on our free community bus to visit two different locations and enjoy a variety of fun activities and entertainment. All activities include a lunch...

Unley Takes Out Yet Another Award

Our Double Shot Coffee Fiesta has just been named Best New Event in South Australia at the Australian Event Awards.Anyone who visited the Double Shot event held earlier this year in the Unley Memorial Gardens, next to the Unley Shopping Centre would be well...