Council last night voted on a range of motions designed to solicate what we can move forward on what we should not. These motions, all passed, provide finally an opportunity to bring the master planning process we have been conducting for some years now to the pointy end.
The Council, by voting as they have, have provided an opportunity for everyone, resident and rate payers, sporting clubs using the facility, elected members and the staff of the City of Unley to actually have something concrete to evaluate, consider and debate rather than the pie in the sky that we have been working through.
We have spent much time and energy looking at all aspects of what the Unley Oval precinct provides and what it can provide going forward. We have seen a number of initiatives for creating more open space, looked into whether or not A Grade Cricket can return, whether the Bowls and lawn Tennis Clubs can be improved. We have looked at how we might consolidate all the sporting clubs into one club room facility and a number of other observations.
Much energy has gone into debating perimeter fences during this time and this has directed focus by all on just that aspect. This has at items got in the way of projecting all the other opportunities forward to a point where we can look at some detail.
We have reached that point now though. A point where we can finally look at some detail design work that we can, if we believe it has merit once prepared, put to our community for their views.
A range of something that have some substance, some shape, some form that people can see and visualize. Something that they can make informed observations about rather than guessing about something that remains abstract through the lack of detail. After that (public consultation) we will be in a position to decide whether or not to proceed and how and when.
The beauty of where we are is that we now, by having separate stand alone motions, can look at stand alone projects that can be considered in isolation or together if desirable. This means that if one project is not seen as warranting proceeding with, it will not stall or stop others we believe can proceed.
The motions in essence were as follows, noting that each will (as required under legislation) go back out to the community when ready:
- The Design & Construction of new Lighting
- Obtaining detailed designs and formal cost estimates for refurbishment of the McKay Grandstand and provision of additional community facilities as well as away team facilities in the Oatey grandstand.
- Design and construct of an internal picket fence around Unley Oval
Obtaining detailed designs and formal cost estimates for creation of additional community open space at the northern end of the oval by encroaching into Frederick Street
Each are stand alone projects, but capable of being included in a one off redevelopment should suitable grant funding be available.
What was not proceeded with includes perimeter fencing of the facility and resurfacing of the Oval.
We also passed a motion, among others (check our website for further details to pursue funding opportunities.
I will being making observation on each of these by posting a separate blog on each separately.