Work on preparing a master plan for the future of Unley Oval is progressing to plan. The plan is the first of three master plans scheduled for the major sporting precincts of the City of Unley. Master Plans for Goodwood Oval and Millswood Park are expected to follow.
The consultant has spoken with all the key stakeholders, the clubs currently using the facilities available at the ground. They have also spoken to a number of secondary stakeholders and with a number of residents.
Two community workshops were conducted yesterday at the Civic Centre where we received some valuable input from residents.
A number of surveys have been returned from residents via hard copy or on line. Anyone wanting input into the Plan have until 22nd March and you are encouraged to do so. It is Unley’s premier sporting/community facility and we need your input into how it should look in 20 years time; when your kids or grand kids will be using it.
This is an important part of our forward planning, having identified that with pending population growth under the Government’s 30 year plan putting extra pressure on our limited open space we need to be considering now how to accommodate this increase in population.
This plan will inform the Unley Central planning we will be undertaking soon.
Anyone reading this blog who as not been contacted by Council (because you live more than 1k from the ground or have not been identified as a secondary user) is also asked to contribute. The facility is for all of Unley.
Once we have your input the consultant will analyse the information and prepare a draft plan. If council is happy with this plan it will go back out for your endorsement and/or edification. if not we will seek modifications from the consultant before putting it back out for your further input.
Hopefully at the end of this process (around July of this year) we will have a master plan ready for implementation when funding becomes available to proceed.