Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Australia Day traditionally is a big day on the Unley calendar, through our Citizenship Ceremony. This year will be much bigger though.


This year we will be doing more than conducting a citizenship ceremony. We will celebrate Australia Day in a fun, family-friendly atmosphere.

Celebrations include obviously the citizenship ceremony, an official Australia Day Awards Ceremony, free children’s entertainment and activities, cultural music, dance performances and a variety of gourmet delights. 

Bring your family, friends and neighbours and enjoy the 2014 Australia Day Celebrations!

Make it a package of celebrations, starting with the Gourmet Gala (refer earlier post) on Thursday night, check out the BUPA challenge (in fact register now and participate in it), attend the and the race start on Friday. 
The day starts at 11.00 am and will continue until 4.00 pm and will be held at the village green. While you are there check out the new Village Green Plaza between the green and the Church. This was a joint project by Council and St Augustine’s Anglican Church which was designed to open the area up for the community.
Find it on Facebook and register your intent to come on