Jennie and I have just been briefed on what is happening as a result of our recent street meeting with residents of Fairfax and Graham Avenues.
We have been advised as follows:
ü The driveway line marking will be reviewed in the street to improve access to properties. This is scheduled for February.
ü Line marking and signs installed to direct motorists not to park within 10 metres of the junction
ü Parking on both sides of the road which restricts access for large vehicles is proving a challenge as the only foreseeable solution is to restrict parking on one side of the road which is felt will be counterproductive.
ü It is proposed therefore to conduct a parking turnover study in March 2012 once sporting activities re-commence to determine level of usage.
ü Line marking is also to be reviewed to determine if a space can be provided without limiting access
ü An investigation into vehicles speeding though the junction at Meredyth Avenue, Graham Avenue and Cromer Parade shows that vehicle speeds in Graham Avenue are low with very few vehicles exceeding the speed limit. In Meredyth Ave and Cromer Parade, previous traffic data showed vehicle speeds are higher with a significant proportion exceeding the speed limit and the speed observation trailer will be deployed in both of these streets in Feb. New counts are scheduled for this month and SAPOL will be advised if this data shows excessive speeding.
If anyone has anything more they wish to contribute to this exercise please respond so we can include it in our research.